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Media Section

Here media representatives can find a wide range of information about the GENERALI BERLIN HALF MARATHON - from media accreditation and media appointments to photos, press releases and much more. The Media Guide offers extensive background information on the event.

Info overview

Hotel TITANIC CHAUSSEE BERLIN (Chausseestr. 30, 10115 Berlin)

  • Friday, April 4: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • Saturday, April 5: 2 p.m to 5 p.m.
  • Sunday, April 7: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Media accreditation is available to journalists of all fields (print, internet, TV, radio, photography, agency) and has to be applied for. Based on the submitted form, SCC EVENTS reserves the right to approve or deny accreditation.

Application is possible until April 5 (until 10 a.m. CET) through an online form.

Appropriately credentialed media is allowed to attend all press conferences and use the media center's facilities during operating hours. We provide a comfortable, full-service indoor location including workspace, Wi-Fi and power stations. It is fully staffed by SCC EVENTS media representatives.
Race-Day services include large-format direct feeds of the GENERALI BERLIN HALF MARATHON broadcast, real-time race updates, split and finish times printouts and the post-race press conference.

Further information regarding the accreditation process can be adressed to Other information requests regarding the GENERALI BERLIN HALF MARATHON have to be adressed to

There is a limited number of bib numbers for media, preferably for journalists who plan to cover the race resp. their experience when running.
Interested journalists can express their interest by February 15, 2025.

Kick-off press conference on 04 April 2025
Kick-off press conference on Friday, 4 April at 11:00 am at the Titanic Chaussee (Chausseestr. 30, 10115 Berlin), the partner hotel of the GENERALI BERLIN HALF MARATHON, in the Munich area.

Numerous top athletes will be present at the press conference, as will Jürgen Lock as Managing Director of SCC EVENTS, Race Director Mark Milde and probably representatives of title partner Generali as well as representatives of the Berlin police and Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe.

The press conference can be followed as a live stream on the SCC EVENTS Youtube channel.


Press conference on race day: 06 April 2025
The press conference after the races will also take place in the Media Centre at the Hotel Titanic Chausee (Chausseestr. 30, 10115 Berlin) in the Munich room.

approx. 12:15 Inline skating
approx. 12:30 pm runners

The press conference can be followed as a live stream on the SCC EVENTS Youtube channel.

April 6, 2025 from 9:15 am to 12:30 pm (CEST) live coverage of the race with german commentary. 
Tip: use additional live feed in english on  twitter / X  or our the YouTube Chat in english

Join the live stream of the race on the SCC EVENTS YouTube channel and our Facebook Channel.

After the race, there will be a 30-minute summary of the highlights in English on Sunday afternoon.

Are you a journalist and would like to be added to the press mailing list for the GENERALI BERLIN HALF MARATHON? If so, please send us an email with your name, your editorial office, and the email address where we can send the information

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Photos & Videos

The GENERALI BERLIN HALF MARATHON in pictures. Here you will find numerous photos of the event.

Icon newspaper for press releases

Press Releases

The following press releases have been published regarding the GENERALI BERLIN HALF MARATHON.
If you would like to be added to the press mailing list, please send an email to

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Media Guide

Our Media Guide for the GENERALI BERLIN HALF MARATHON includes up-to-date information about the event.

Icon stopwatch for numbers Recorde

Numbers & Records

Fast times, big names – here you will find course records, winners, and much more.

Media Contact

Robert Fekl
Team Leader Media Relations & Editorial

Jochen Schmitz
Team Leader Communications SCC EVENTS 

Jürgen Lock
CEO SCC EVENTS and Head of SCC EVENTS Team Sports & Medicine

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